
Importance of Social Investment in Care Economy in Reducing Social Justice


The care economy is an important part of Kerala’s economy, particularly as it relates to
healthcare and social welfare. Kerala has a strong tradition of investing in social welfare
programs such as healthcare, education, and social security, which has helped to reduce poverty and improve the overall well-being of its citizens.
In Kerala, the care economy includes a variety of paid and unpaid care work, such as healthcare,
education, childcare, and domestic work. The state has a well-developed healthcare system, with
a high number of public and private hospitals and clinics, as well as a large number of trained
healthcare professionals.
Kerala has also implemented a number of social welfare programs aimed at supporting
vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, disabled, and low-income families. For example, the
state has a pension program for the elderly, a disability allowance for people with disabilities,
and a social security program for low-income families.
Kerala has also implemented a number of policies aimed at improving the conditions and
compensation of care workers, particularly in the healthcare sector. For example, the state has
established a minimum wage for nurses and has implemented a number of training and support
programs for healthcare workers.
Overall, the care economy is an important part of Kerala’s economy and plays a critical role in
supporting the well-being of its citizens.


Social investment in the care economy refers to the funding and resources that are directed
towards improving the quality and accessibility of care services for individuals with healthcare
needs. It encompasses a range of services including healthcare, social care, and other supportive
services such as housing and employment opportunities.
Social investment in the care economy can take many forms, including public and private
funding for healthcare and social care programs, as well as investment in research and
development of new technologies, treatments, and interventions. It can also involve investing in
the training and development of care workers, as well as the creation of new jobs in the care
Social investment in the care economy is important for several reasons. First, it helps to ensure
that individuals with healthcare needs have access to high-quality, affordable care services.

Second, it can help to improve the overall quality of life for individuals receiving care, as well as
their families and caregivers. Third, it can create jobs and stimulate economic growth by
supporting the development of a skilled workforce in the care sector.
Overall, social investment in the care economy is an important strategy for promoting the
well-being and dignity of individuals with healthcare needs, and for building more inclusive and
equitable societies that recognize the value of all individuals.


Social investments are an essential tool for alleviating social injustice, and numerous studies
have shown the positive impact that social investments can have on reducing inequality and
promoting more equitable and inclusive societies.
For example, a study by the World Bank found that investing in education and healthcare can
lead to significant reductions in poverty and inequality. The study found that for every
additional year of education, a person’s income can increase by up to 10%. Additionally,
providing access to healthcare services can help to reduce infant mortality rates and improve
overall health outcomes, which can have a positive impact on economic growth and
development (World Bank, 2018).
Another study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found
that investing in social policies, such as healthcare, education, and social protection, can help to
reduce poverty and inequality, and promote economic growth. The study found that social
investment can lead to a more skilled and productive workforce, which can in turn lead to higher
economic growth rates (OECD, 2017).
Overall, these studies suggest that social investments can play a critical role in alleviating social
injustice by providing access to basic needs, promoting education and training, and supporting
research and development. By promoting more equitable and inclusive societies, social
investments can help reduce poverty and inequality, and promote economic growth and
There are multiple sectors that are highly in need of increased social investments in the care
economy. Social investment is important for homeless, disabled, psychiatric, and
neuropsychiatric patients because it can help them gain access to the resources and support they
need to live fulfilling lives and fully participate in society.
Social investment can help the poor gain access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, and
healthcare. By investing in social programs that provide these services, we can help create more
supportive and inclusive societies that recognize the dignity and value of all individuals.

For disabled, psychiatric, and neuro patients, social investment can help provide access to
high-quality care and support services, which may be necessary for the ongoing management of
their conditions. By investing in these services, we can ensure that these populations have access
to the resources they need to lead fulfilling lives and participate in their communities.
Social investment can also help promote inclusion and reduce stigma for these populations. By
creating social programs and services that are inclusive and accessible, we can help to break
down barriers to participation and create more supportive and understanding communities.
In addition, social investment can help create opportunities for education, training, and
employment, which can be particularly important for people with disabilities and other
vulnerable populations. By investing in programs that promote these opportunities, we can help
create more equitable and inclusive societies that recognize the value of all individuals.
In conclusion, social investment is important for destitute, disabled, psychiatric, and
neuropsychiatric patients because it can provide them with the resources and support they
require to live fulfilling lives and fully participate in society. By working together to promote
these strategies, we can create more inclusive and equitable societies that recognize the dignity
and value of all individuals.


The care economy and rehabilitation are related to each other in that they both involve the
provision of support and services to vulnerable populations. Rehabilitation is a key component
of the care economy, as it involves the provision of medical, social, and psychological services to
individuals who have suffered an injury, illness, or disability.
According to a study by the International Labour Organization (ILO, 2008), rehabilitation is an
important aspect of the care economy, as it can help to improve the health and well-being of
individuals and reduce the burden on caregivers. The study notes that rehabilitation services can
help individuals with disabilities to participate fully in their communities and can reduce the
need for long-term care and support.
In addition to rehabilitation services, the care economy also includes a range of other services
that support vulnerable populations. These services may include healthcare, education,
childcare, eldercare, and social security programs.


The Social Justice Department of Kerala has made significant investments in the care economy
to support the well-being of vulnerable populations in the state. Some of the key investments
made by the department include:
Social Welfare Schemes: The department has implemented a number of social welfare schemes
aimed at providing support and assistance to vulnerable populations, such as the elderly,
disabled, and low-income families. These schemes include pensions for the elderly, disability
allowances, and social security programs for low-income families.
Child Protection Services: The department has established a number of child protection services
aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of children in the state. These services include child
helplines, counseling services, and shelter homes for children in need.
Healthcare Services: The department has invested in healthcare services to support the
well-being of vulnerable populations. It has established a number of public healthcare facilities,
such as hospitals and clinics, and has implemented a number of healthcare programs, such as
immunization drives and health awareness campaigns.
Education and Training Programs: The department has implemented a number of education
and training programs to support vulnerable populations, such as the disabled and the elderly.
These programs include vocational training, adult literacy programs, and skill development


The government of Kerala has made significant investments in rehabilitation under the care
economy. The government has implemented a range of programs and initiatives to support the
rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities, injuries, and illnesses.
According to the Economic Review 2019, published by the Government of Kerala, the state
government has implemented a range of rehabilitation programs to support individuals with
disabilities. For example, the government provides financial assistance for the purchase of
assistive devices and medical equipment, as well as subsidies for the construction of accessible
housing. The government also provides training and employment opportunities for individuals
with disabilities through its Vocational Rehabilitation Centers and other initiatives.
In addition to these programs, the government of Kerala has established a number of public
healthcare facilities, such as hospitals and clinics, that provide rehabilitation services to

individuals with disabilities and injuries. According to the same Economic Review, the state
government has increased its spending on healthcare from Rs. 552.16 crores in 2000-01 to Rs.
9,951.60 crores in 2016-17, a nearly 18-fold increase. This investment has helped to improve
access to healthcare and rehabilitation services for individuals across the state.
There are concerns that individuals from low-income households or rural areas may face
barriers to accessing rehabilitation services, such as transportation or lack of healthcare facilities
in their locality.
According to a study by the Kerala State Planning Board, there are significant disparities in
healthcare access and utilization across the state. The study notes that while Kerala has a
relatively high level of healthcare infrastructure and a strong public healthcare system, there are
still gaps in access to care, particularly in rural areas. The study suggests that the government of
Kerala should focus on improving healthcare access and reducing disparities in healthcare
utilization in order to improve the overall well-being of the state’s population.
The current provision may not adequately address the social determinants of health that
contribute to disability and illness. For example, poverty, unemployment, and inadequate
housing can all contribute to poor health outcomes, and may make it more difficult for
individuals to fully participate in rehabilitation programs.


According to the Economic Review 2021 published by the Government of Kerala, the state
government has made significant investments in the disability sector rehabilitation. The
government has implemented a range of programs and initiatives to support individuals with
disabilities, injuries, and illnesses (Government of Kerala, 2021).
The review notes that the government of Kerala has increased its spending on the social security
sector, which includes disability sector rehabilitation, from Rs. 1,704.67 crores in 2016-17 to Rs.
3,246.81 crores in 2019-20. The government has also implemented several schemes to provide
financial assistance for the purchase of assistive devices and medical equipment, as well as
subsidies for the construction of accessible housing. The government has established a network
of vocational rehabilitation centers and other initiatives to provide training and employment
opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Although the government of Kerala has made significant investments in rehabilitation for
individuals with disabilities, there are still some limitations to these efforts. One of the major
limitations is the accessibility of rehabilitation services, particularly for individuals living in
rural or remote areas.
According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Public Health Research and
Development, there are significant disparities in healthcare access and utilization across the

state of Kerala. The study notes that individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds and
those living in remote areas are less likely to have access to rehabilitation services. This can lead
to a lack of early detection and prevention of disabilities, which in turn can lead to increased
healthcare costs and reduced quality of life for affected individuals (Praveen et al., 2020).
Another limitation of the government’s investment in rehabilitation is the limited scope of
services provided. Some individuals may require more specialized rehabilitation services that
may not be available in government-run facilities. Additionally, there may be a shortage of
trained rehabilitation professionals, which can limit the availability and quality of services.


The government of Kerala has implemented various schemes and initiatives to support the
rehabilitation of destitute individuals, such as providing shelter homes, medical care, and
rehabilitation services. However, there are still some limitations to these efforts.
One major limitation is the availability and accessibility of rehabilitation services for destitute
individuals. the lack of capacity and resources of government-run facilities. Many rehabilitation
centers may be understaffed or lack adequate resources, which can limit the availability and
quality of services. Additionally, some destitute individuals may have complex needs or require
specialized services that may not be available in government-run facilities.
Furthermore, the social stigma associated with destitution can also create barriers to
rehabilitation. Many destitute individuals face discrimination and social isolation, which can
affect their ability to access rehabilitation services and reintegrate into society.


The government of Kerala has taken various initiatives to support the rehabilitation of people
with psychiatric issues. However, there are some limitations to these efforts.
One major limitation is the lack of adequate mental healthcare infrastructure and resources.
According to a study by the Kerala State Mental Health Authority, there is a shortage of mental
healthcare professionals, such as psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and psychiatric social
workers, in the state (Kerala State Mental Health Authority, 2016). This shortage can limit the
availability and quality of mental healthcare services, which can affect the rehabilitation of
people with psychiatric issues.
Another limitation is the lack of community-based rehabilitation services. Many people with
psychiatric issues require ongoing support and rehabilitation to reintegrate into society, but
community-based rehabilitation services are often lacking. This can make it more difficult for
people with psychiatric issues to access the support they need and can increase their risk of
social isolation and marginalization.

Furthermore, social stigma associated with mental illness can create barriers to rehabilitation.
Many people with psychiatric issues face discrimination and social exclusion, which can affect
their ability to access rehabilitation services and reintegrate into society.
The government of Kerala has taken various initiatives to support the rehabilitation of people
with brain and spine injuries. However, there are some limitations to these efforts.
One major limitation is the shortage of rehabilitation professionals in the state. According to a
study by the Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, there is a shortage of
trained rehabilitation professionals, such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists, in the
state (Prabhu, 2016). This shortage can limit the availability and quality of rehabilitation
services, which can affect the rehabilitation of people with brain and spine injuries.
Another limitation is the lack of specialized rehabilitation centers. There are few specialized
rehabilitation centers in the state that offer advanced rehabilitation services to people with brain
and spine injuries. This can limit the availability of specialized rehabilitation services and
increase the cost of rehabilitation for patients.
Furthermore, the social stigma associated with disability can create barriers to rehabilitation.
Many people with brain and spine injuries face discrimination and social exclusion, which can
affect their ability to access rehabilitation services and reintegrate into society.


Public-private partnership (PPP) model has the potential to enhance the success of social
investments in rehabilitation under care economy in Kerala and India. PPP can leverage the
strengths of both the public and private sectors to deliver efficient, effective, and sustainable
rehabilitation services.
One key advantage of PPP is that it can increase the availability and quality of rehabilitation
services. Private sector participation can help to address the shortage of trained professionals
and specialized rehabilitation centers. Private sector participation can also bring in new
technologies and innovations that can improve the quality of rehabilitation services.
Another advantage of PPP is that it can improve the financial sustainability of rehabilitation
services. Private sector participation can help to mobilize additional financial resources to
support the rehabilitation sector. In addition, PPP can encourage cost-sharing between the
public and private sectors, which can reduce the burden on the government and increase the
efficiency of resource use.

Furthermore, PPP can help to ensure the accountability and transparency of rehabilitation
services. Private sector participation can bring in expertise and experience in project
management and accountability, which can help ensure that rehabilitation services are delivered
efficiently and effectively.
However, there are also challenges associated with PPP in rehabilitation. One key challenge is
ensuring that the PPP model is equitable and accessible to all, including the poor and
marginalized. Another challenge is ensuring that the private sector is accountable and
transparent in its operations.
Overall, PPP has the potential to enhance the success of social investments in rehabilitation
under the care economy in Kerala and India. To achieve this, it is important to establish a
supportive policy and regulatory framework that encourages private sector participation and
ensures the equitable and efficient delivery of rehabilitation services.
Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) and investments in the care economy are important for
individuals with disabilities, neurorehabilitation patients, psychiatric patients, and destitutes
because they can help to provide the necessary support and resources for these populations to
live fulfilling lives and participate fully in society.
For individuals with disabilities, CBR can help to improve access to education, healthcare, and
employment opportunities. By empowering individuals with disabilities and their families to be
active participants in their own rehabilitation, CBR can help to create more inclusive and
supportive communities that recognize the contributions and rights of people with disabilities.
Investments in the care economy can help to provide access to high-quality care for individuals
with neurorehabilitation needs and psychiatric patients, who may require ongoing support and
assistance to manage their conditions. By investing in the care economy, we can ensure that
these populations have access to the services and support they need to live fulfilling lives and
participate in their communities.
For destitutes, CBR and investments in the care economy can be particularly important in
providing access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. By empowering
communities to be active participants in the rehabilitation and care of destitute populations, we
can help to create more supportive and inclusive societies that recognize the dignity and value of
all individuals.
In all cases, CBR and investments in the care economy are important strategies for promoting
the rights and well-being of individuals with disabilities, neurorehabilitation patients,
psychiatric patients, and destitutes. By working together to support these populations, we can
help create a more equitable and inclusive society for all.


  1. International Labour Organization. (2018). Care work and care jobs for the future of
    decent work. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  2. Government of Kerala. (2019). Economic Review 2019.
  3. Kerala State Planning Board. (2017). Report on the Health Sector in Kerala.
  4. Government of Kerala. (2021). Economic Review 2021
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    Utilization in Kerala. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 11(1),
    1087-1091. doi: 10.5958/0976-5506.2020.00024.4
  6. Kerala Social Security Mission. (2021). Destitute identification, rehabilitation and
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  7. Kerala State Mental Health Authority. (2016). Status of Mental Health Services in
  8. Prabhu, V. (2016). Challenges and Opportunities in Physical Medicine and
    Rehabilitation in India. Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 27(2),
  9. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2017). Investing in social
    policies for a stronger, more equitable Europe. OECD Publishing.
  10. World Bank. (2018). Poverty and shared prosperity 2018: Piecing together the poverty
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